128 mosicon.dat 129 mospmtn.dat 130 explorer 131 Explorer 133 objects 134 msn.hlp 135 msnpss.hlp 136 (Read Only) 137 New Object (app id %d) 138 Unknown Type 139 140 (Item not valid) 141 Delete this item?##Do you really want to delete '%s'? 142 Worldwide Categories 143 Worldwide Member Assistance 150 &Tools 151 About &Windows 95... 152 by 153 &Find 160 This service has an associated cover charge. Your account will be billed each time you open it. 161 You need to subscribe to this service to open it. Click the Subscribe button to view the full terms of the subscription and to gain access. 162 This service is free, but you need to register to use it. Click the Subscribe button to gain access. 163 You are currently subscribing to this service. 164 Free 165 per month 166 per use 167 There is a charge for using this service. Continue?##Your account will be billed %s if you open this service. Do you want to continue? 170 The Microsoft Network 171 Cannot open one or more of the selected services.##You don't have access to the selected services. 172 Navigator not found.##A file needed to complete this task is missing or corrupted. Please reinstall The Microsoft Network. To do this, look up Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Help Index. 173 Microsoft Exchange is not installed.##To install Microsoft Exchange, look up Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Help Index. 174 Go word not valid.##There is no service linked to this Go word. 175 Cannot connect to The Microsoft Network.##The Microsoft Network is currently unavailable. Please try again later. 176 Entry not valid.##An item in your Favorite Places folder no longer exists on The Microsoft Network. 177 Cannot open service.##This service is not available at this time. Please try again later. 178 Name not valid.##There is already a bulletin board with this name. Please type another name. 179 Cannot rename this bulletin board.##NetNews bulletin boards cannot be renamed. 180 Cannot paste here.##You cannot paste a folder into one of its subfolders. 181 Token change not valid.##You have selected a token that you cannot edit. Please select a different token. 182 Cannot explore services.##At least one of the selected items is not a folder. 183 Cannot open shortcut.##The file, folder, or service that is linked to this shortcut has been moved or no longer exists. 184 Language mismatch.##To view items in other languages, on the View menu, click Options, and then make sure the Include Foreign Language Content box is checked. 185 System settings change.##The changes you have made will take effect the next time you sign in to The Microsoft Network. 186 Number not valid.##The inactivity time must be between 1 and 59 minutes. 190 191 192 None 193 Everyone 194 All of history 195 The world 196 N/A 197 Subscribe... 198 Browse for icon 199 Icon files (*.ico) *.ico 200 ICO 205 GA (General Audiences) 206 MA-13 (Mature Audiences) 207 AO (Adults Only) 208 Not rated 210 Name required.##Please specify a name for this item. 211 Currency required.##Please specify the currency to be used. 212 Go word in use.##This Go word is already in use. Please type another one. 213 Whole number required.##In the selected currency, please specify an amount without using decimals. 214 Too many decimal places.##In the selected currency, please specify an amount with fewer decimal places. 215 Number required.##Please use only numbers to specify an amount. 216 Token not valid.##This token name does not exist. Please select another one. 217 Icon file required.##This file is not an icon file. Please select a file with an .ico extension. 218 Cannot add icon.##This icon cannot be added at this time. Please try again later. 219 Cannot display Security page.##There is a problem with the server. Please try again later. 220 Cannot verify token.##There is a problem with the server. Please try again later. 221 Cannot verify token.##There is a problem with the server. Please try again later. 222 Cannot display Context page.##There is a problem with the server. Please try again later. 223 Cannot verify owner ID.##There is a problem with the server. Please try again later. 224 Cannot verify owner ID.##There is a problem with the server. Please try again later. 225 Number required.##Please use only numbers to specify an owner ID. 226 Owner ID not valid.##Please make sure that it is correct and try again. 227 Cannot delete group.##Please select a single member to delete. 228 Do you really want to delete the member %s? 229 Token already open.##Another member is currently editing this token. Please try again later. 230 Member ID not valid.##Please make sure that it is correct and try again. 300 Sign In 301 Sign Out 302 Go to 303 Go to MSN Central 304 Change Password 305 Billing Information 306 Billing Statement 307 Phone Numbers 308 Modem Setup 309 Help Topics 310 About The Microsoft Network 311 Member Support Numbers 312 File Transfer Status 313 Up One Level 314 Go to Favorite Places 315 Subscriptions 316 Large Icons 317 Small Icons 318 List 319 Details 320 Auto Arrange 321 Line up Icons 322 Select All 323 Invert Selection 324 New Folder 325 Delete 326 Cut 327 Copy 328 Paste 329 Open 330 Open 331 Explore 332 Properties 333 Add to Favorite Places 334 Create Shortcut 335 Rename 336 Cut 337 Copy 338 Paste 339 Find 340 Delete 341 Connects you to The Microsoft Network. 342 Disconnects you from The Microsoft Network. 343 Goes to the specified service. 344 Returns to MSN Central. 345 Changes your password. 346 Displays billing information. 347 Displays your current billing statement. 348 Lists members in the phone book. 349 Changes modem settings, dialing locations, or access numbers. 350 Lists Help topics. 351 Displays information about The Microsoft Network. 352 Lists phone numbers to call for Customer Service and Technical Support. 353 Opens the File Transfer Status window. 354 Goes to the previous folder. 355 Goes to Favorite Places. 356 Displays subscription information. 357 Displays the items by using large icons. 358 Displays the items by using small icons. 359 Displays the items in a list. 360 Displays information about all items in the window. 361 Arranges the icons automatically. 362 Arranges the icons in a grid. 363 Selects all the items in the window. 364 Reverses which items are selected and which are not. 365 Creates a new forum or folder. 366 Deletes the selected items. 367 Removes the selected item and places it on the Clipboard. 368 Copies the selected item and places it on the Clipboard. 369 Inserts the Clipboard contents into the selected location. 370 Removes the selected items from this folder. 371 Opens the selected item. 372 Opens the selected item. 373 Displays the items in the selected service. 374 Displays information about the selected items. 375 Adds the selected item to the Favorite Places folder. 376 Creates shortcuts to the selected item. 377 Renames the selected item. 378 Removes the selected item and places it on the Clipboard. 379 Copies the selected item. 380 Inserts the Clipboard contents into the selected location. 381 Searches for information on The Microsoft Network. 382 Deletes the selected items.